Joji YUASA: Beautiful Songs for Children

湯浅譲二: 美しいこどものうた
MSCD-0013 ¥2,750
湯浅譲二 (ライナーノートより)
推薦 畑中良輔 (レコード芸術2004年5月号より)
録音: 2004年1月、パルテノン多摩小ホール プロデューサー/エンジニア: イシカワカズ
Joji Yuasa: Beautiful Songs for Children
Eiko HIRAMATSU (sop)
Ken-ichi NAKAGAWA (pf)
MSCD-0013 ¥2,750
“Recomended CD of the month” ( Record Geijutsu Magazine )
It is a song for a children made a little during about 10 from the later half of 1950’s that was attracted by this CD.
I, so to speak, did tip work as a vanguard composer from those days, and, on the other hand, I believed that you must make a rich song of music characteristics not a kind song, and because the reason is because a child does not have the completion general idea that seems to be an adult when it makes a song for children.
I can give in particular the song which I made in league with close friend Shuntaro Tanikawa higher music characteristics.
Hold it to sing, and children do not appear, and they appreciate the world where poetry and music fused.
Fortunately, I think that these music is enjoyed to adults as well as children if I become it.
Joji Yuasa
Recommendation Ryosuke Hatanaka
(Record Geijutsu May, 2004 issue)
I never knew it that there was such a nursery rhyme (the – nursery rhyme-like world) to person of traction, Joji Yuasa in a full extremity of Japanese composition world. I was surprised, and because such world begins in《 The Collection of 100 pieces of nursery rhyme 》 of Kosaku Yamada, and it is inherited in Yoshinao Nakada, Ikuma Dan, and the reason is because it thought that it was it to a scholar of new composition that at last Tokuhide Niimi builds the firm world.
From the first music, it is “splendid” music. Fresh, energetic rhythm. Unique approach to poetry.
A lot of poetry of Shuntaro Tanikawa is employed, but no music has the trashy work which is supposedly a daily routine work. And Eiko Hiramatsu of a soprano sang with wonderful expression and sympathy.
And a piano performance of Kenichi Nakagawa supports it and seems to enjoy it by a sound of various pianos by oneself. This hue colors each music really to be excited.
Hiramatsu is extremely natural, too, and there are not the skill and a quality of.
She does not sing the songs like a child oddly, and she is a wise singer. She understands it enough.
However, some last songs was too low, and therefore I thought unless I was correct in her range of voice. Of course she can sing properly.
Was not it wise of to be able to join the same tonality together by music? Because of the turn of a poet, a person of composition may have decided it in this way.
Will a sheet of music be published?
If there is it, I will go to buy one!
Recording:Jan. 2004 Parthenon TAMA
Producer/Engineer: Kaz Ishikawa