Monique Sings Gershwin

モニク・ウィルソン (vo)
ピエール・グリル (pf)
アーニー・プロヴェンシャー (b)
MSCD-0003 ¥2,750
stereo誌 優秀録音(2000年下半期ベストテン)
ミュージカル「ミス・サイゴン」の初演時に主演女優としてロンドンデビュー。現在はフィリピンのミュージカル界を代表するスター女優として数多くの演劇賞を 受賞しているモニク・ウィルソンによるガーシュウィン歌曲集です。 その清楚な声質と舞台俳優ならではの情感豊かな表現力は、ジャズ歌手やオペラ歌手による 演奏に慣らされた耳にとても新鮮に響きます。
録音:1998年9月、かつしかシンフォニーヒルズ・アイリスホール プロデューサー/エンジニア: イシカワカズ
Monique Sings Gershwin
Monique WILSON (vo)
Pierre GRILL (pf)
Ernie PROVENCHER (bass)
MSCD-0003 ¥2,750
Best 10 of High Quality Recording in 2nd half of 2000 (Stereo magazine)
This unique CD recording produced by the Japanese label, MusicScape, features the internationally renown Philippine musical actress/concert singer, Monique Wilson, and covers sixteen well-known Gershwin songs. The songs of Gershwin have been frequently recorded not only by such great jazz singers as Ella Fitzgerald, Sarah Vaughan, and Rosemary Clooney, but also by a number of fine opera singers. However, a Gershwin album sung by a musical actress of Asian origin has perhaps never been produced before this recording. Wilson’s extensive singing career in London, her ability to grasp with accuracy the emotion and intelligence within a Gershwin song, along with the natural beauty of her voice, enable her to create an extremely fresh expression that her predecessors have overlooked. This debut album of Monique Wilson truly reflects the rare and unique qualities of this outstanding musical talent.
[Masahisa Segawa]
Recorded:Apr,1998, Katsushika Symphony Hills
Producer/Engineer: Kaz Ishikawa