深町純: 即興ライヴ!
MSCD-0014 ¥2,750
即興演奏について 深町純
録音: 2003年2月~2004年1月、渋谷ステュディオ、アートカフェ1107におけるライヴ プロデューサー/エンジニア: イシカワカズ
Jun Fukamachi(pf)
MSCD-0014 ¥2,750
t is different from so-called ad lib to show off performance technology in a theme prepared for beforehand, and preparations are completely big by reaction of the true impromptu audience who is not done at that time and condition of a piano and a state of his own, and improvisation of Jun Fukamachi is different.
Therefore, there is not a thing saying a typical performance that “this is the improvisation of Fukamachi Jun”.
Audience receives an always deep impression from his posture and Fukamachi Jun is not afraid of failure of a performance, sometimes to show sometimes all of inspiration in audience meditation aggressively.
Live Recording:Feb. 2003 Jan. 2004 Shibuya Studio & Art Cafe 1107
Producer/Engineer: Kaz Ishikawa
Many people ask you a question about improvisation.
” Why can you flip a melody in spite of being a thought at the same time?”
And I always answer it in this way.
When “this is the same as chattering.”
A person does not think generally when I do chattering what you will say next.
And he develops a theme of a story without misspeaking.
Improvisation does a certain time;, that is, think that resemble at all that do this chattering.
Mother did “a story” every night in a childhood in an origin of pillow, and I slept while listening to it.
The “story” is the original which I am impromptu, and is made not an established” story”.
Therefore she sometimes changed a story in response to my request and started it again.
A minstrel was in Europe in old days.
He would sing impromptu poetry at various places, a place of courtesy and a place of public holidays and festival days.
The basic story and character were traditional, but he sang poetry with improvivation.
This resembles my improvised music.
Will not The Heike Monogatari have been inherited with such a style, too?
I may be said to be such a thing with my improvisation.